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Computes new columns by binding the results of expressions.

If the binding collides with an existing column, the existing column is overwritten.

Accepts multiple extension forms, each a pair [binding expr].

The binding determines how the result should be added to the row:

  • a column (keyword), just overwrite or add the column to the row
  • a collection, assume the result is a map, and select-keys the collection and merge into the row.
  • the special keyword :*, merge the entire result into the row.


extend = [:extend & extension]
extension = [binding expr]
binding = col | [& col] | :*

See expression reference for more information on expressions.


[[:from :Customer]
 [:extend [:fullname [str :firstname " " :lastname]]]]

(def TotalSpend
  [[:from :Order]
   [:agg [:customer-id] [:total-spend [rel/sum :total]]]])

Sub queries with rel/sel1 and rel/sel

;; rel/sel1 to sub select another row, i.e an implicit left-join.
(def CustomerStats
  [[:from :Customer]
   [:extend [[:total-spend] [rel/sel1 TotalSpend {:customer-id :customer-id}]]]])

;; would result in a relation something like:
#{{:customer 42, :total-spend 340.0M}}

;; rel/sel to bind rows from another query to a column
(def Order
  [[:from :Order]
   [:extend [:items [rel/sel OrderItem {:order-id :order-id}]]]])

;; would result in a relation something like:
#{{:customer-id 42,
   :total 340.0M
   :items #{{:product-id 43, :quantity 1} ...}}

See also